Details on the event


Coffee talks

Friday 11/10/2019 @ 11:30, Sala seminari ex-IASF

Dipanjan Mukherjee (University of Torino), "Impact of relativistic jets from supermassive black holes on their environment"

Relativistic jets from AGNs are an important driver of feedback in galaxies with an active black hole. They impact the nearby environment over different physical scales during their lifetime, with varying effects. They first interact with the host galaxy's ISM before breaking out to larger scales, significantly affecting the galaxy's morphology and evolution. I shall present the results of our recent 3D relativistic (magneto) hydrodynamic simulations, performed on scales of a few kpc to several tens of kpc, of AGN jets interacting with the ambient ISM and CGM. I will discuss the implications of such jet feedback on the morphology and kinematics of the ISM and its implication for the long term evolution of the galaxy. I shall also present results a new novel approach to realistically model the evolution of energetic electrons in the jet plasma and predict the non-thermal emission observable from such jets.