Details on the event


Coffee talks

Friday 28/06/2024 @ 11:30, Sala riunioni quarto piano e online (

Albino Perego (Universita' di Trento, TN; TIFPA-INFN, TN; INAF-OAPd, PD), "Non-thermal emission from binary neutron star merger: from kilonova afterglow to fast radio burst"

Binary neutron star mergers are key players in multimessenger astrophysics. The detection of gravitational waves and electromagnetic radiation in GW170817 confirmed decades of speculations and hints about that. In the first part of the talk, I will briefly review the basics of binary neutron star mergers, with a special emphasis on the ejection of matter and on its possible observables. In the second part, I will first discuss non-thermal emission from the kilonova afterglow, possibly producing both an X-ray and a radio emission. The latter could provide an explanation of the putative late-time excess observed in the X-ray emission of GW170817/AT2017gfo. Then, I will discuss, from a modeling perspective, the robustness of a recently claimed possible association between a FRB (20190425A) and a binary neutron star merger (GW190425). REFERENCES: