Staff: M. Nanni, B. Neri, M. Stagni
IRA manages the INAF LDAP server, which acts as the authentication centre for many national services: IDEM, eduRoam, user portal, AstroDip (for online consultation of the personnel registry, the mission management system, the salary slips) and GSuite. For all these services, IRA is in charge of the management, installation and updating of the servers. Various procedures have been developed to automatically update the data of each INAF user (either structured or associated). The bi-daily update of authentication credentials allows new users to be immediately operational in all the scientific and administrative services of the National Institute of Astrophysics. IDEM grants access to thousands of services provided by international research institutions and consultation of publications. eduRoam permits to access, through institutional credentials, thousands of Wireless Access Points spread all over the world.
Figures: INAF-IRA