Studio e Lavoro > Tesi di laurea

Pagina a cura di Viviana Casasola e Isabella Prandoni 

Nell’ambito della consolidata collaborazione con l’Università degli Studi di Bologna, IRA offre l’opportunità agli studenti di laurea triennale e magistrale di svolgere la tesi di laurea presso le proprie sedi. L’elenco degli studenti di laurea magistrale attualmente presenti all’IRA è visibile a questo link.

Qui di seguito una lista di tesi di laurea disponibili. Per maggiori informazioni su uno specifico progetto si prega di contattare il relatore della tesi. Per i referenti: il link per l’inserimento di proposte di Tesi di Laurea è accessibile da questa pagina.

RSN1 – Galaxies and Cosmology

Thesis title The e-MERLIN legacy survey of nearby AGN and galaxies
Coordinator Dr. Ranieri Baldi (INAF-IRA)
Duration 6-12 months – From February 2025
Division  INAF-IRA Bologna
Description Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are the central regions of galaxies that include an accreting super massive black hole. Whilst many large black holes are found to produce radio jets that extend into the Inter Galactic Medium, it is the less powerful low-luminosity AGN (LLAGN) that numerically dominate the black hole population. However, LLAGN are much harder to find due to their low bolometric luminosities and smaller scale jets, necessitating high angular resolution and highly sensitive telescopes to not only detect but resolve the emission into individual jet components. The Legacy e-MERLIN Multi-band Imaging of Nearby Galaxies survey (LeMMINGs) was designed to study a statistically-complete sample of low-luminosity AGN in nearby (d < 110Mpc) galaxies, resolving the jet and star formation emission from the compact radio core at the heart of the AGN. The LeMMINGs project has now been conducted at 1.5 GHz (Baldi et al 2018, 2021a, 2021b) and new results at 5 GHz are being prepared for publication (Williams-Baldwin et al, in prep.). However there is a need to improve the sensitivity of the data to larger scale structures to detect larger scale jets and star forming regions, combining this with the e-MERLIN data to provide a more in-depth study of these LLAGN. The sample is >70% complete with the Very Large Array, probing angular scales slightly larger than e-MERLIN. This project will involve analysing the VLA data on the sample and combining it with the e-MERLIN data to provide a multi-resolution view of LLAGN jets and star formation in nearby galaxies. The candidate should be have an interest in radio astronomy on AGN and star formation.
Thesis title Probing Accretion and Ejection Processes in High-Energy Selected AGN
Coordinator Dr. Ranieri Baldi (INAF-IRA), Francesca Panessa (INAF-IAPS), Gabriele Bruni (INAF-IAPS)
Duration 6 months
Division  INAF-IRA Bologna
Description The problem of how accretion and ejection phenomena are related to each other in AGN has been one of the hot topics of extragalactic astrophysics since the first discoveries of active galaxies, and it has been proved to be crucial in order to build more physically-motivated AGN-host galaxy evolutionary models. We propose to perform an investigation on AGN activity taking advantage of new proprietary data, in particular an EVN and eMERLIN program. In addition to proprietary data, the advent of new generation radio surveys from SKA precursors (LoTSS, VLASS, RACS, MeerKAT+) is opening new possibilities on the classification and study of extragalactic sources. With this project, we aim at investigating the physics of accretion and ejection in high-energy selected AGN, and in particular the origin of radio emission in Radio Quiet AGN, and the minimum conditions to launch a jet. Altogether, these pieces of information will allow us to build a more structured picture on how the AGN phenomenon shapes the host galaxies, and how this physical mechanism acts in analogy with other accreting compact sources. The student will analyse radio and multi-band data to understand the BH activity in nearby radio-quiet AGN.
Thesis title The origin of the radio emission in Tidal Disruption events
Coordinator Dr. Ranieri Baldi (INAF-IRA), Giulia Migliori (INAF-IRA)
Duration 6 months
Division  INAF-IRA Bologna
Description Tidal disruption events (TDEs) occur when a star ventures near a supermassive black hole (SMBH). TDEs produce emission across the electromagnetic spectrum, and are being rapidly discovered by high cadence, full-sky optical and X-ray surveys. Recently, the origins of radio emission from TDEs remain mysterious. A few optically- and X-ray-selected TDEs are radio-bright, but a lack of observations combined with large selection effects compromise any conclusions about the common emission mechanisms. Furthermore, TDEs serve as valuable testbeds for verifying the mass invariance of accretion-ejection processes (such as relativistic/non-relativistic jets, disk winds, radiatively efficient/inefficient disks) around black holes. In this project, the student will analyse radio data of TDEs of monitoring programs (VLA and EVN) together with data from X-ray satellites to constrain the physics of the innermost region of these mysterious compact objects.
Thesis title Estimating the magnetic field in a cosmic filament connecting two galaxy clusters
Coordinator Prof. Annalisa Bonafede (UniBo), Dr. Chiara Stuardi (INAF IRA,
Duration 6 months – From February 2025
Division INAF-IRA Bologna
Description Investigating the magnetic fields that permeate the filaments of the cosmic web is crucial for understanding the origin of large-scale magnetism in the universe.

Recently, Dietl et al. (2024) detected and studied an X-ray filament with a length of over 13 Mpc connecting two galaxy clusters: Abell 3667 and Abell 3651. This is the first individual filament observed between two galaxy clusters that are significantly separated, and it is clearly located outside the intracluster medium. The system is in the southern hemisphere with a redshift of z=0.05-0.06 and has already been observed as part of the Polarization Sky Survey of the Universe Magnetism (POSSUM), a survey that will soon be made public and will significantly enhance our understanding of cosmic magnetic fields.

The goal of the thesis will be to use the catalog of polarized sources and their Faraday rotation data from the POSSUM survey to study the magnetic field of this newly detected filament. Specifically, the student will analyze, on a statistical basis, the differences in Faraday rotation dispersion between the galaxy clusters, the filaments, and the background, in order to estimate the magnetic field in this region.

Thesis title Modeling the magnetic field in the CIZA J2242.8+5301 galaxy cluster
Coordinator Prof. Annalisa Bonafede (UniBo), Dr. Chiara Stuardi (INAF IRA,, Dr. Gabriella Di Gennaro (INAF IRA,
Duration 6-8 months – From February 2025
Division INAF-IRA Bologna
Description Galaxy clusters are permeated with magnetic fields and ultra-relativistic particles, which are revealed by the presence of diffuse Mpc-size synchrotron emission in the radio band (namely, radio halos and relics). Polarization and Faraday rotation properties of sources embedded within galaxy clusters bring fundamental information about the magnetic fields. Comparison of these observational probes with those obtained from simulations allows us to illuminate our knowledge of large-scale magnetic fields and their modification during galaxy cluster mergers.

The student will use 1-4 GHz observations of the CIZA J2242.8+5301, the famous cluster hosting the Sausage radio relic, performed with the Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA). The total intensity and polarized emission of cluster radio galaxies will be modeled using the QU-fitting and the RM-synthesis approach. Subsequently, the obtained information will be compared with semi-analytical and/or cosmological simulations of galaxy clusters in order to derive the magnetic field properties for this famous galaxy cluster. The student will develop important coding skills using different programming languages (python and IDL).

Thesis title Estimating molecular gas content in nearby galaxies from PAH emissions
Coordinator Dr. Viviana Casasola (INAF-IRA), Prof. Francesca Pozzi (UniBo), Dr. Matteo Bonato (INAF-IRA)
Duration 6-8 months – Anytime
Division  INAF-IRA Bologna
Description The most commonly employed tracer of H2, i.e. the most abundant molecule in the interstellar medium, is CO(1-0) emission. However, in recent years, increasing attention has been devoted to H2 estimators based on dust emission and absorption in the IR band. The CO-based method indeed relies on an uncertain CO-to- H2 conversion factor, and a metallicity-dependent dust-to-gas mass ratio must be invoked to translate the dust continuum emission into molecular gas mass.

Within this context, we propose a Master Thesis aiming to explore how polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), emitting in the mid-IR band and commonly used as indicators of star formation activity, can be used as a proxy to estimate molecular gas content in nearby galaxies. This thesis will be based on the DustPedia project, which is definitively characterizing the dust properties in the Local Universe by exploiting a database of multi-wavelength imagery and photometry that greatly exceeds the scope (in terms of wavelength coverage and number of galaxies) of any similar survey (Davies et al. 2017; Casasola et al. 2017, 2020, 2022). The DustPedia sample consists of 875 extended (D25 > 1′) galaxies of all morphological types, at distances < 40 Mpc (z < 0.01). The rich DustPedia database contains maps and photometry from UV to sub-mm bands (41 bands, on average, per galaxy), in addition to millimeter CO data tracing molecular gas.

By exploiting the DustPedia sample and database, the student will explore global and spatially resolved relationships between PAH (traced at 8 and 12 micron) and CO emission, taking into consideration their mutual correlation with star-formation rate, with the ultimate aim of offering new, improved empirical predictors of molecular gas content based on PAH emission and star formation activity. This topic is especially timely in light of the enormous improvements in mid-IR science that are emerging from the revolutionary James Webb Space Telescope.

Thesis title Observations and characterization of Fast Radio Bursts
Coordinator Prof. Daniele Dallacasa (UniBo), Dr. Gianni Bernardi (INAF-IRA), Dr. Maura Pilia (
Duration  6-8 Months – Anytime
Division  INAF-IRA Bologna
Description Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are bright (> 1 Jy at 1.4 GHz), extremely short (a few ms) radio bursts whose nature is still largely unknown. They originate at cosmological distances and are largely believed to be associated with magnetars, i.e. young and energetic neutron stars with magnetic fields three orders of magnitude (or more) larger than standard neutron stars. The physical mechanism that generate such energetic bursts is still debated with various models existing in the literature. One way to constrain their emission models is to observe FRB events at multiple frequencies, characterizing their spectrum. The student will work on simultaneous observations of repeating FRB sources at multiple frequencies, between 300 MHz and 5 GHz, taken with the Northern Cross radio telescope, the Sardinia Radio Telescope, and the two 32-m dishes located at Medicina and Noto. The thesis goal will be to analyze the observations, characterize the burst properties and compare the results with theoretical models in order to shed light on the physical mechanism that powers FRBs.
Thesis title Observations of the Epoch of Reionization and Cosmic Dawn with the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array
Coordinator Prof. Lauro Moscardini (UniBo), Dr. Gianni Bernardi (INAF-IRA)
Duration  6-8 Months – Anytime
Division  INAF-IRA Bologna
Description One of the key frontiers of modern observational cosmology is to understand how the first structures grew from tiny fluctuations of the density field into the first stars and galaxies that, subsequently, ionized the intergalactic medium. Observations of the 21 cm line emitted by the neutral Hydrogen from the intergalactic medium at high redshift (6 < z < 30) is one of the best probes of the Cosmic Dawn and subsequent Epoch of Reionization.

The student will analyze observations taken with the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array, a custom-built radio interferometric arrays that observes the 21 cm line in the 6 < z < 30 range. The student will work on the data calibration and foreground separation with the ultimate goal of improving the current 21 cm power spectrum, providing a better constraint on the physical properties of the first stars and galaxies – e.g., the average mass of the dark matter halo where they formed, their X-ray properties, how their star formation process started and evolve with time.

Thesis title Studying the Cosmic Dawn with the 21 cm global signal
Coordinator Prof. Lauro Moscardini (UniBo), Dr. Gianni Bernardi (INAF-IRA), Dr. Marta Spinelli (
Duration  6-8 Months – Anytime
Division INAF-IRA Bologna
Description Single-dipole antennas observing at low frequency have the potential to measure the 21 cm global signal, the sky-averaged brightness temperature arising from the 21 cm transition of neutral hydrogen, and thus study the Universe at Cosmic Dawn when the formation of the first stars occurs (z ~ 20).

The thesis will consist in the analysis of the available data from Large-aperture Experiment to Detect the Dark Age (LEDA), located in Owens Valley in California, and/or simulations of the Radio Experiment for the Analysis of Cosmic Hydrogen (REACH), deployed in the Karoo radio reserve in South Africa. Both experiments aim to measure the sky-averaged 21 cm signal in the 12 < z < 30 range.

The analysis will include the development of techniques to disentangle the signal from the much stronger Galactic and extra-galactic foregrounds and the characterization of the impact of the systematic effects.

Thesis title Mapping the large scale structure of the Universe with 21 cm Intensity Mapping
Coordinator Prof. Lauro Moscardini (UniBo), Dr. Gianni Bernardi (INAF-IRA), Dr. Marta Spinelli (
Duration 6-8 Months – Anytime
Division INAF-IRA Bologna
Description Intensity Mapping (IM) of the redshifted 21 cm line from neutral hydrogen is a promising technique to construct three-dimensional maps of the large-scale structure of the Universe in the post-reionization era, complementary to galaxy surveys. The central idea of IM is to measure the integrated 21 cm line emission from all galaxies that fall into a single resolution element (i.e. beam) without the need to resolve them individually. IM, therefore, allows the detection of the 21 cm emission at higher redshifts compared to standard observations of individual galaxies.

As IM observations trace the underlying matter distribution of the Universe on large scales, a 21 cm detection would place tight constraints on cosmological parameters.

The student will take an active part in the MeerKLASS IM survey of the MeerKAT radio telescope.  The MeerKLASS data cover a  300~deg^2 sky patch with the goal to observe IM up to z ~ 0.4 and new data will be available soon. Thesis activities will include (but not necessarily limited to) data analysis, foreground separation, and simulations of the expected cosmological signal.

Thesis title Probing the cold gas content and kinematics in local radio galaxies
Coordinator Dr. Isabella Prandoni (INAF-IRA), Dr. Ilaria Ruffa (INAF-Arcetri,, Dr. Rosita Paladino (INAF-IRA)
Duration 6-8 months – from February 2025
Division  INAF-IRA Bologna
Description Reproducing the observed properties of nearby early-type galaxies (ETGs) is still a challenge for modern galaxy formation theories. How they are kept as passive spheroids while growing in mass up to about one trillion solar masses, and how the fuelling/feedback processes onto their central super-massive black holes (SMBHs) are powered and sustained, are only some subjects of long-standing debates. Key answers in this regard can be obtained from investigations of the distribution and kinematics of their cold gas component at all scales (from the innermost sub-kpc to tens of kpc). Indeed, although “red and dead” ETGs in the local Universe have historically been believed to be essentially devoid of cold gas, the resolution and sensitivity provided by the latest-generation of radio/sub-mm interferometers allowed us to obtain snapshots of these galaxies with unprecedented detail, revealing that they often host substantial reservoirs of both atomic and molecular gas. This latter is typically found to be confined in regularly-rotating structures on nuclear (sub-kpc) regions. The atomic hydrogen (HI) is instead usually most abundant towards the galaxy outskirts and in the circum-galactic medium (CGM). Such detections have opened exciting new avenues in the study of the gaseous components in this galaxy population, providing also fundamental insights on their nuclear powering mechanism. Indeed, local massive ETGs are the preferential hosts of radio galaxies (RGs), a class of radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) producing prominent kinetic feedback in the form of collimated outflows of non-thermal plasma (i.e. the radio jets). Due to their host galaxy properties, the SMBHs at the centre of local RGs have traditionally been believed to be fuelled by inefficient accretion of hot X-ray emitting gas from the CGM. The detection of large masses of cold gas at the centre of such early-type hosts, however, started to pose this picture into question, making the fuelling processes of typical local RGs still unclear.

Our overall project consist in the systematic, multi-scale, multi-phase analysis of a volume-limited sample of typical local RGs. For the Thesis, the student will specifically focus on the analysis of the cold gas component in some sample sources using recently-acquired HI data from the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and/or molecular gas (CO) data from the Atacama millimetre/sub-millimetre array (ALMA). In all the cases, the goal will be to study the cold gas distribution and kinematics, with a special focus on looking for signatures of external gas accretion with HI data and investigating inflows and outflows at pc scales with CO data.

By carrying out this project, the student will learn how to properly use softwares for the reduction and analysis of interferometric data (e.g. CASA) and tools for studying the gas distribution and kinematics (e.g. 3DBarolo, KinMS), as well as deal with multi-wavelength data from some of the most powerful facilities currently operating at mm and radio wavelengths. All the data will be provided fully calibrated, with also some basic imaging performed. For this work, basic knowledge in radio interferometry and Python would be desirable.

RSN2 – Stars, stellar populations, and interstellar medium

Thesis title The first steps of planets: high-resolution images of planet-forming disks from VLT/SPHERE and ALMA
Coordinator Dr. Antonio Garufi (INAF-IRA,, Leonardo Testi (UniBo)
Duration 6 months – Anytime
Division  INAF-IRA Bologna
Description High-resolution images of planet-forming disks reveal that the planet formation is a diversified, complex process. From the comparison of available images at optical/near-IR and millimeter wavelengths (VLT/SPHERE and ALMA) aided by RT modeling, the student can learn the data reduction and analysis with different techniques as well as constrain several geometrical/physical properties of a number of planet-forming disks. The goal is to constrain the first steps of dust grain growth toward the formation of a planet.

RSN4 – Relativistic Astrophysics and particles

Thesis title Precessing jets at large angles in GHz Peaked Spectrum radio galaxies
Coordinator Prof. Daniele Dallacasa (UniBo), Dr. Carlo Stanghellini (INAF-IRA)
Duration  6-8 Months – From February 2025
Division  INAF-IRA Bologna
Description GHz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) radio galaxies show a convex spectrum peaking around 1 GHz and a compact symmetric morphology, which is a scaled-down version of those seen in the high power extragalactic radio sources. The long standing question for these sub-galactic jetted AGN is if they will become large radio sources, if they will die before escaping the galaxy, or if they are indefinitely trapped into the galaxy by a dense environment.

A novel interpretation has been suggested that several of these radio sources reside in double systems in different phases of their merging evolution with rapidly precessing jets which are unable to escape the inner region of the host galaxy.

The implication for this scenario is a transverse motion of the hot-spots respect the center of activity, in contrast with the reported evidence of proper motions of the hot spots expanding outwards. Indeed, some transverse motions have been already detected, and many of the reported expansion speeds need to be revised.

The thesis will consist in data reduction and analysis of VLBI data taken in various epochs for selected GPS radio sources, to possibly find new evidence for transverse motions of the hot-spots, and bring support to the precessing jet scenario.

Thesis title Structural evolution in two young radio sources
Coordinator Prof. Daniele Dallacasa (UniBo), Dr. Marcello Giroletti (INAF-IRA)
Duration 6-8 months – From February 2025
Division INAF-IRA Bologna
Description The superior angular resolution of Very Long Baseline Interferometry is the only tool that can directly probe structural changes in extragalactic sources. This has provided evidence for the youth scenario (i.e. compact sources are compact because they have just started their evolutionary path) thanks to the estimate of advance velocities of features in VLBI images. However, only few such measurements have been obtained, and any additional observing epoch will greatly improve our constraints on these estimates, providing fundamental clues on the jet evolution and its impact (feedback) on the host galaxy. In this project, the analysis of VLBI data obtained at high frequency for two radio galaxies in different stages of evolution (a young and a restarted source) will be analysed and compared with previous epochs for a general interpretation of the kinematics.
Thesis title A bright AGN jet at z > 6
Coordinator Prof. Daniele Dallacasa (UniBo), Dr. Cristiana Spingola (INAF-IRA), Dr. Giulia Migliori (INAF-IRA)
Duration 6 months (or more) – Anytime
Division  INAF-IRA Bologna
Description (i) analysis of new VLBI multi-frequency observations at milliarcsecond resolution;

(ii) probe the structure of the jet (pc to kpc scales);

(iii) determine the physical properties and variability in >10 years, potentially detecting proper motions – if so, it would be the most distant proper motion ever detected and can be used to infer q0;

(iv) use the results to make predictions for the next generation of radio telescopes (i.e. SKA and ngVLA).

Thesis title Substructure lensing at milliarcsecond angular resolution
Coordinator Prof. Daniele Dallacasa (UniBo), Dr. Cristiana Spingola (INAF-IRA), Dr. Giulia Despali (UniBo)
Duration 6-9 months – Anytime
Division INAF-IRA Bologna
Description The student will reduce new sensitive VLBI observations at milliarcsecond angular resolution of the radio-loud strong lensing system B0712+472 that shows strong magnification anomalies. The systems may also show faint extended gravitational arcs. The student will use the new observational constraints from the radio global-VLBI observations to improve on the lens mass models and test the presence (and the nature) of substructures using a state-of-the art lens modelling technique.
Thesis title Investigating the late-time X-ray emission of the enigmatic transient AT2018cow
Coordinator Prof. Cristian Vignali (UniBo), Dr. Giulia Migliori (INAF-IRA), Prof. R. Margutti
Duration 6-9 months – Anytime
Division INAF-IRA Bologna
Description Fast Blue Optical Transients (FBOTs) are a new class of transients with luminosities and time scales that challenge traditional Supernovae models. They are characterized by an extremely rapid rise to maximum light (L>10^44 erg/s) over timescales as short as only a few days and, in some cases, luminous radio and X-ray emission. The intrinsic nature of their energy source is unknown but might be connected to the presence of a central engine, for example in the form of accretion on a black hole (BH) similar to Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) or tidal disruption events (TDEs).

This thesis project focuses on FBOT AT2018cow, which is thus far the nearest (60 Mpc) and best studied target with a rich multi-wavelength dataset. In particular, the student will work on a new deep X-ray observation taken about 6 yr after the transient discovery, with the goal to: (i) map the long-term evolution and spectrum in X-rays of this enigmatic source and (i) shed light on the possible connection of FBOTs with manifestations of super-Eddington accretion on BHs.

RSN5 – Advanced technologies and instrumentation

Thesis title Development and Optimization of Instrumental Calibration Software for the “Croce del Nord” Radio Telescope
Coordinator Ing. Giovanni Naldi (INAF-IRA), Dr. Giuseppe Pupillo (INAF-IRA)
Duration 6 – 8 months – from February 2025
Division  INAF-IRA, Medicina Radioastronomical Station (BO)
Description The proposed activity is part of the research field on Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), using the “Croce del Nord” Radio Telescope (IRA-INAF) located in Medicina (Bologna). FRBs are bright (> 1 Jy at 1.4 GHz), extremely short (a few ms) radio bursts whose nature is still largely unknown. They originate at cosmological distances and are largely believed to be associated with magnetars, i.e. young and energetic neutron stars with magnetic fields three orders of magnitude (or more) larger than standard neutron stars. The physical mechanism that generates such energetic bursts is still debated with various models existing in the literature. FRBs represent one of the most intriguing challenges of modern radio astronomy in the time domain. In the last years, a collaboration has been established within INAF for the scientific exploitation of the “Croce del Nord” Radio Telescope in order to study these phenomena.

This thesis builds on the results of a previous UniBO master’s thesis, in which a Software to calculate the geometric coefficients for telescope pointing was developed. The proposed work will complete and extend that study by focusing on instrumental calibration.

The overall work consists of the following main activities:

  • Study calibration procedures for interferometers and beamformers;
  • Implementation and optimization of instrumental calibration software in Python;
  • Comparison with the currently used MATLAB code;
  • Perform observational tests to validate algorithms and characterize the array beam.

For this work, basic to intermediate programming skills in Python and MATLAB are required.