Informazioni sull’evento



Thursday 27/01/2022 @ 11:30, JAC - Sala IV piano Battiferro (remote)

Giulia Despali (University of Heidelberg), "Constraining dark matter with strong gravitational lensing"

Strong gravitational lensing is one of the most accurate methods to measure the mass of galaxies and haloes and one of the most promising to investigate the nature of dark matter. Different dark matter models influence both the number of small-mass dark clumps and the overall density profile of haloes, and thus the lensing signal that they generate. I will present results coming from the comparison of observational results and numerical simulations, focusing on the differences between cold, warm and self-interacting dark matter models. In order to meaningfully interpret observational results, we derived detailed predictions for the detection expectations in different dark matter scenarios and forecasts for HST, Keck, ALMA and other future observations.