Informazioni sull’evento


Coffee talks

Friday 14/03/2025 @ 11:30, Sala riunioni quarto piano e on-line (

Jessica Dempsey (ASTRON), "Harnessing the opportunities in the approaching radio astronomy renaissance"

Radio astronomy is about to step into a new era of technical and scientific capability. ASTRON leads the expansion of LOFAR, while SKA takes shape as the largest radio observatory ever built. On the horizon, to complement and compete, are the ngVLA and DSA-2000. ASTRON, as the Netherlands centre for radio astronomy, looks now to its role in this renaissance, and in its opportunities with INAF, as long-standing partners in LOFAR and SKA. The coming renaissance is not without challenge – particularly in facing and overcoming the daunting data collection, processing and storage bottlenecks and to develop green solutions for our expanding environmental impacts. We must now jointly make strategy, focusing on ensuring in this decade of world-spanning facilities, we maintain agency and opportunity for our researchers to lead impactful science and technology developments.