Informazioni sull’evento


Coffee talks

Monday 17/06/2024 @ 14:30, Sala riunioni quarto piano e online (

James Leung (University of Toronto, Canada), "GRB/SN - a radio investigation of progenitors, outflows, and environments"

Radio observations are powerful probes for understanding the interaction of astrophysical outflows from GRB and SN systems with their environments. Type Ic-BL SNe have been confirmed to be associated with most long duration GRBs (typically these last tens to a hundred seconds in duration) thought to be produced from massive stellar collapse. However, there is a spectrum - why do many Type Ic-BL SNe not produce GRBs, and how do these GRB/SN progenitors drive a central engine long enough to produce “ultra-long duration” GRBs that last for tens to hundreds of minutes? I will briefly discuss two ongoing investigations: peculiar excess in an ultra-long GRB 220627A (also a gravitationally lensed GRB candidate) and a dramatic second rebrightening observed at radio wavelengths in the type Ic-BL SN 2022xxf