Informazioni sull’evento


Coffee talks

Friday 08/03/2024 @ 11:50, Sala riunioni quarto piano e on-line (

Nicolò Rotella (University of Bologna), "A combined JVLA, GMRT and XMM study of Abell 795: a candidate radio phoenix?"

Diffuse non-thermal radio emission in galaxy clusters provide crucial insights into the relativistic particles and magnetic fields within the intra-cluster medium (ICM). Phoenices, which belong to the category of revived AGN plasma, are characterized by an ultra-steep synchrotron spectral index and are typically located near the centers of clusters. However, few sources are known and their study is challenging due to their relatively small size (< 300-400 kpc) and the contaminating brightness of the central Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG). In the case of the sloshing galaxy cluster Abell 795, previous GMRT observations at 150 MHz revealed extended radio emission around the BCG. In this study we performed a multi-wavelength analysis of Abell 795, using new JVLA observations at 1.4 GHz combined with archival GMRT data at 325 MHz, and archival XMM-Newton observations. We detected from XMM data new signs of the sloshing motion, and from the combined JVLA and GMRT analysis the presence of extended radio emission with ultra-steep spectral indices. These results suggest that the extended radio emission could be classified as a phoenix, whose origin is possibly related to the sloshing motion.