Informazioni sull’evento


Coffee talks

Tuesday 05/12/2023 @ 14:30, Sala riunioni quarto piano e on-line (

Veselina Kalinova (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Germany), "Mass modelling and Star Formation Quenching of Nearby Galaxies (MasQue)"

Star formation quenching is one of the main drivers of galaxy evolution. Galaxies quench in a complex fashion and thus quenching might depend on a variety of co-participating phenomena. In this talk, I will discuss how quenching patterns emerge in nearby galaxies and whether there is an evolutionary connection between them. Our sample consists of kpc-resolved optical and cold (atomic+molecular) gas data of a large number of CALIFA survey nearby galaxies. The project MasQue aims to explore whether quenching patterns are caused by the absence of cold gas, due to inefficiency in the conversion between atomic-to-molecular gas or between molecular gas-to-stars. Through sophisticated mass modelling techniques, using Bayesian inference together with empirical stellar mass-to-light ratio profiles, we will derive the dark matter halo masses of the galaxies with high precision to date. We will test the reliability of the broadly used dark matter halo density models in reproducing observations, as well as the place of the dark matter halo quenching scenario in galaxy evolution theory.