Informazioni sull’evento


Coffee talks

Friday 27/10/2023 @ 11:30, Sala riunioni quarto piano e on-line (

Claudio Gheller (INAF-IRA Bologna), "Why HPC in radioastronomy? (couldn't I live happily without it?)""

It is well known that current and upcoming radio-interferometers produce volumes of data of increasing size that need to be processed with sophisticated computational pipelines in order to generate the corresponding sky brightness distributions. This represents an outstanding computational challenge, especially when large fields of view and/or high resolution observations are processed. In this presentation I will discuss if this data is still treatable with traditional approaches, which rely on traditional computing systems, or whether a paradigm shift is required, addressing the exploitation of High Performance Computing (HPC) solutions. I will use the imaging step as an example of the computational challenge, highlighting the benefits of HPC as well as the difficulties associated with adopting such a solution.