Informazioni sull’evento


Coffee talks

Friday 04/11/2022 @ 11:30, Sala riunioni quarto piano e on-line (

Nicola Marchili (INAF-IRA & Italian ARC), "The Galactic center supermassive black hole: what have we learned from the EHT observations?"

Earlier this year, the EHT collaboration revealed the image of the supermassive black hole Sgr A* showing a bright thick ring with a dim interior. This image provided the first direct evidence of the presence of a supermassive black hole located in the center of our Galaxy. The strong resemblance to the M87* image and consistency of both black holes with predictions of General Relativity, indicate a same black hole metric across three orders of magnitude of black hole mass. In this coffee talk, we present the EHT results for Sgr A*, focussing on the physical properties of the supermassive black hole, and compare these to results from other studies and analysis.