Informazioni sull’evento


Coffee talks

Friday 26/11/2021 @ 11:30, On-line -

Aleksandar Shulevski (Leiden Observatory), "Monitoring nearby stars for low frequency radio transients using the AARTFAAC-12 dense aperture array telescope"

I will showcase the preliminary results of a pilot observing campaign targeting a sample of nearby stars in search of low frequency radio emission. At these low frequencies (<60 MHz) it can be a tracer of star-planet interaction or indicate the presence of planets endowed with a magnetic field. Studying the radio emission from such systems can provide useful constraints on planetary interior properties, as well as atmospheric retention models and habitability. I will also describe the AARTFAAC-12 instrument (a sub-system of the LOFAR telescope) as well its data reduction pipeline. Finally, I will give an outline of future plans we have for the instrument and make the case for a long-term, synoptic radio monitoring effort.